Trommelröstung in der hauseigenen Rösterei
Coffee Know-how

Roasting coffee: between art and science

The aromatic and taste nuances that ultimately dominate in the cup depend on many factors. In addition to the quality and variety of the coffee bean and the preparation method (brewing process), the method of roasting has a decisive influence on the taste of the coffee. Put simply, roasting is a heat process that transforms coffee into the aromatic, dark brown beans that we know and love. However, the process from the coffee bean to the finished coffee is somewhat more complicated. An important step in the process - in which the potential of a coffee bean comes to its full expression - lies in the perfect roasting.

Everything begins with green coffee

Whether from Brazil or Indonesia, whether Arabica or Robusta - at the beginning of every coffee there is a cherry-like fruit: the coffee cherry. As soon as the fruits are picked from the coffee tree, they are dried. The unroasted bean is known as "green coffee" because the bean actually looks greenish (but depending on the type of cherry, it can also be yellowish-brownish) when dried and unroasted. The beans are stored raw, in a state in which they can be kept without loss of quality and taste. A green bean differs from a roasted bean mainly in smell: surprisingly, it does not smell like coffee, but rather like freshly mown grass or green tea.

Ripe coffee cherries:  Inside this drupe you can find the coffee bean.


Our colleagues at Blaser Trading enable the import of the best green coffee, which can be traced back to the respective coffee cooperative. This high level of quality and transparency is only possible thanks to the partnerships we have maintained over many years with cooperatives and coffee farms in almost all countries of origin.

Roasting degrees and coffee blends: from light to dark

As a family roastery, we are proud to have a wide range of roasting mixtures in all roasting grades. We generally differentiate between three different roasting grades: light, medium and dark roast.

The gentle cooling of the roasted coffee beans by the circulating air is an essential part of drum roasting.

Light roast

Light roasted coffee beans are light brown. They have a fruity, sour taste. A lightly roasted bean also offers more original aromas that come from the soil, weather conditions and other plants grown around the coffee plants. Terroir Panama benefits from this principle thanks to its light roast, as the coffee bean is cultivated in volcanic soil, resulting in an incomparable complexity of flavor in the cup. Light roasts are particularly suitable for filter coffee, where the increased acidity and fruitiness are shown to their best advantage.

Medium roast

Compared to light roasted coffee beans, medium roasted coffee is slightly darker in appearance. The beans also usually have a more balanced flavour and less acidity. Rosso & Nero is a typical representative of medium roast: mainly used as café crème, but also as espresso or milk coffee, this coffee comes into the cup with an extremely balanced taste.

Dark roast

This degree of roasting gives the coffee bean a shiny, oily appearance with a less acidic taste. Dark roasted coffee beans are heated to about 210° degrees just before the "second crack". The taste can be slightly bitter or smoky due to the roasting process. Dark roasted coffee tends to have a roasted flavour - fine notes of dark chocolate, tobacco, or cloves - which overshadows the coffee's original taste. Many coffee drinkers assume that dark roasted coffee has a higher caffeine content, but this is not true. This is ultimately determined primarily by the type of bean and the brewing process. In our range we have a perfect espresso coffee in the form of Marrone, which has a lot of sweetness and mild acidity due to its dark roast.

Ultimately, it is the individual taste of the coffee drinker that determines which roast is preferred. We invite you to try our different coffees to find your favourite.

The perfection in the cup: cheers!




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