
Le torréfacteur suisse de l'année 2019

The high quality of the coffees offered, the customer service as well as the sustainability in purchasing our green coffee convinced the jury of the crema magazine. The award for the first "Swiss roaster of the year" is one of the highest honours in the German-speaking coffee and roaster scene.


Pour la première fois, un jury composé d'experts indépendants et de journalistes spécialisés a décerné le prix "Swiss Roaster of the Year" du célèbre magazine crema. Nous nous réjouissons que cette prestigieuse récompense ait été attribuée à notre entreprise familiale bernoise.


"Il y a principalement trois termes qui ont permis à Blasercafé de devenir notre torréfacteur suisse de l'année 2019 : le café du terroir, l'engagement et l'artisanat de la torréfaction".

crema magazine Switzerland issue 2019

The decisive factor for the award was the quality of our Terroir coffees, which according to crema magazine is one of the best coffees tested in recent years. On the other hand, our commitment to gastronomy and education is praised. In our practice-oriented coffee courses participants learn everything about the world of coffee. Finally, the jury was also impressed by our craftsmanship in the art of roasting. You can get a personal impression of this in the Rösterei Kaffee und Bar and look over the shoulders of our master roasters on Monday, Wednesday and Friday when they roast our terroir coffees, among other things.

With this award we have once again proven that our high quality standards, our commitment to the training of baristas and our good relations to the origin pay off thanks to our colleagues* at Blaser Trading. At this point we would like to thank our employees and our customers who accompanied us on our way and made this title possible in the first place.


crema Magazin object manager Dagmar Horsch (i.d.M.) handing over the certificate with Marc Käppeli, Michael Blaser, Markus Blaser and Bettina Blaser (f.l.).