YB & COFFEE forever!
Steve von Bergen and Marco Wölfli visit Blasercafé
Recently the two Young Boys players Marco Wölfli and Steve von Bergen visited us at the Rösterei Kaffee und Bar! The YB-Goalie and central defender, who are great coffee lovers, were looking for a new coffee machine to make a perfect espresso at home. Of course the football superstars found what they were looking for at our shop.
Go YB!
As an official Partner of the Young Boys we at Blasercafé are involved in every game for the Swiss championship. We were all the more delighted when Steve von Bergen and Marco Wölfli arrived at our Rösterei Kaffee und Bar in search of a suitable coffee machine.
Our managing director and family member Marc Käppeli personally introduced the coffee machines to the two football stars.
Coffee connects
For us, coffee is a bridge-builder between people, relationships and networks. Coffee is the substance that connects us. In the friendship between Steve von Bergen and Marco Wölfli, coffee also played a historic role. Marco convinced his friend and then Nati player Steve von Bergen to switch to the BSC Young Boys as well when he shared many cups of coffee between the games of the Swiss national team. "I don't even remember how much coffee Marco paid me to talk together," Steve remembers according to BLICK.
This shared passion for delicious coffee led the footballers to us, where they each purchased an ECM Mechanika V Slim Starter Kit. This attractive home barista starter kit with the compact dual-circuit ECM Mechanika V Slim contains the most important accessories needed for making perfect espresso and all frothed milk drinks.
The purchase of this starter kit includes free participation in our Home-Barista course. Here Steve and Marco learned the first steps to brew a perfect espresso with their new machines. Giuliano also showed them how to froth the milk for a real Italian cappuccino.
Marco Wölfli and Steve von Bergen in the Home-Barista course with Giuliano in the Rösterei Kaffee und Bar.
At the end of the day Steve and Marco returned home happy with their newly learned barista skills. Maybe we'll soon see the two athletes in another coffee course - if they train their barista skills as diligently as their football skills, we're confident that they'll soon be able to graduate from a certified Barista Skills Professional.
The barista equipment is loaded into the car.