Project DOÑA LUCERO from CSC – Maya female-power coffee
The Italian non-profit organization amka and the label Caffè Speciali Certificati - CSC, are working together to promote the social project Doña Lucero, which supports 80 female coffee producers in Guatemala. The project Doña Lucero was launched in 2020 in the Petatán province in the Huehuetenango region of northwestern Guatemala, where coffee cultivation extends for miles thanks to fertile soils and favorable climatic conditions.
As part of the project, the women were able to further develop their production and trading capacities. Targeted training courses ranged from coffee production issues to promoting the role of women, from the distribution of agricultural materials and products to technical support in improving cultivation techniques and the coffee harvest. Doña Lucero's project participants received a substantial bonus, which corresponded to an increase in income of almost 50%.
We support this project through our membership of the CSC and by purchasing some of the green coffee from this project. Blasercafé has developed and launched the coffee "Maya" from this project. Here you find more information about the project.