- Washed Arabicas
- Unwashed Arabicas
- Unwashed Robustas
Sera, decaffeinated ground coffee
Sera stands for mild coffee indulgence, without caffeine but to the usual standard you would expect from Blasercafé. The Arabica and Robusta beans in this blend have been decaffeinated by selected partners. The result is a pleasant and well-rounded cup. The ideal solution for consumers that do not tolerate caffeine well.
Shelf life: 1 year from production date
Consume the coffee as soon as possible after opening the package
CHF 71.00
Free shipping for orders above CHF 90.
Degree of roastDark
PreparationBialetti, French Press, Filter coffee
Coffee TypeEspresso, Café Crème, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato, Filter coffee
HapticsSehr rund und angenehm
AromaNoten von frischem Brot und Malz
TasteWenig, gut ausbalancierte Säure- und Bitternoten, leichte Süsse
Types66 % Arabica / 34 % Robusta